Life Coaching By The Canadian Image Company

There is no way to happiness… Happiness is the way…

As the Dalai Lama once said, “our purpose in life is to be happy”, but why do some struggle more than others to be happy? Because happiness is not something you can find, it is something you choose to have.

We try to find happiness in the outer world, where in actual fact it comes from within. How many times have I heard People say “I will only be happy when I have that new car, perfect relationship, bigger salary or beach house?” Only to find, that after having it all, they are still not happy. We feel unfulfilled, miserable and we live lives that lack meaning.

This sometimes lead us to choose and seek a spiritual path. To utimately try to end our emotional pain and psychological suffering that are often felt as unhappiness or depression. But happiness is a state of mind. It is who you really are.  As an NLP life coach Based in Regina Saskatchewan, my main aim is to help you find the barriers within yourself that you have built against a happy life. We all have negative thoughts about ourselves and our abilities which are most of the time not even based on fact, but somehow we absolutely believe it and live it as truth. These are called our limiting beliefs. Who we are, what we CAN or CAN’T accomplish or achieve, are all based on our limiting beliefs.

If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place – Eckhart Tolle

I am here to help you discover your full potential. With the most modern techniques in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, I can help you change your behavior patterns and help you let go of negative emotions including fear, sadness, hurt, anger and guilt. Your emotional state together with your thoughts determines where you will go in life. To get the desired results you need to take action and take control of your emotions.

Why the Subconscious mind affects your reality

A human brain works on “thought patterns”. All the information we have been exposed to throughout our lives, in the form of knowledge and experience, is stored in the Subconscious mind. Within these bits of information we discover different patterns. For example: your brain is presently in the habit of creating a pattern of negative thinking. Which means your brain is in the habit of looking at reality in a negative manner. The problem is that Subconscious patterns are thought patterns that have been thought so many times, they run on “AUTO MODE”.

When you think a thought long enough, it automatically goes into ‘AUTO MODE’ because the neural pathways for these negative thoughts, becomes stronger in the neural network of your brain.

Unless you identify and let go of belief in these subconscious thoughts, you will constantly be struggling with negativity in your brain. Once you become aware of all the negative thoughts and limiting beliefs, you can start dis-identifying and dis-believing them and start to override these beliefs with thoughts that aligns with your desired reality.

I want to help you:

  • Live consciously
  • Love yourself
  • Find inner peace
  • Live a fulfilled life
  • Focus on what you want to achieve in life
  • Enjoy being more confident

To Change Our Lives, We Must Fundamentally

Change The Way We Think, Act And Feel

Life Transformation Program

The Life transformation program helps you to consciously discover your limiting beliefs and negative emotions and blocks and helps you to transform these in any area in your life.

The Program consists of:

  • Inner conflict therapy
  • Negative emotional therapy
  • Deleting Negative Beliefs
  • Eliciting your values
  • Goal setting
  • Understanding your subconscious mind
  • Installing new and empowering beliefs
  • Life changing principles
  • New focus filters
  • Anxiety Eliminator
  • Transforming the self image
  • Boost Self love
  • Start taking action

30 Minute Free Session

Yes, your life will change! In only 18 hours ( 6 sessions of three hours each) you will have new positive beliefs, self confidence, empowering habits and behaviors and a clear plan of how you can achieve what you really want in life.

“When our Behaviors match our intentions, when our actions are equal to our thoughts, when our minds and our bodies are working together, when our words and our deeds are aligned…there is an immense power behind any individual “ Dr Joe Dispenza

Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to change your life and live a happy and fulfilled life.

Contact Me For A Free 30 Minute Consultation